Sunday, 2 September 2018

Technology in an Anxious Age: Thursday 13 September 2018, 7.15

The first meeting of the new season will take place in the Atrium, University of the West of Scotland, High Street, Paisley.on Thursday 13 September 2018.

Please note there will be a short introduction by Professor Craig Mahoney, Principal & Vice Chancellor of UWS at 7.15, with the panel discussion commencing at 7.30.

Technology in an Anxious Age

A Paisley Philosophical Institution event hosted by UWS

The contemporary moment is shaped by a curious paradox. At no other time in human history has technology played such an integral role in the ways in which we work, play and understand ourselves. However, there is a papabile cultural anxiety at the ways in which technology now dominates our life worlds. From cryptocurrencies, genomics, artificial intelligence, and social media, to name but a few our life worlds are increasingly shaped by growing concerns about the role technology plays in framing and even determining modern life.

Is this a unique moment in human history? Has the way we use technology become decoupled from ethics and morality? Is tour anxiety groundless or do SMART technologies make for dumb subjects?

Panellist Include:
Dr Matt Frew, Senior Lecturer in School of Business & Enterprise, UWS
Dr Luc Rolland, Lecturer, School of Engineering and Computing, UWS

Panel chair: Dr Carlton Brick, Lecturer in Sociology, School of Media Culture & Society, UWS

Please note doors will be open from 7.00pm for membership renewals/new members

We invite guests to come along to individual meetings,, and request that a donation be made - suggested amount £3.00.

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